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Writer's picturecraftycamelnc

Book Review: Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister

On a late October night as daylight savings time changes, a mother witnessed her seventeen year old son murder a man outside their house. When she wakes up that next morning expecting the fallout of her son’s arrest the next morning, it’s actually the day before the murder took place. She continues to wake each day further and further back in time until she fully unravels the mystery of how that series of events came to be. Can she prevent the murder of this man and her child ruining his future or will she make a mess trying to sort it out?

Absolutely loved this! I have been loving mysteries that involve time/are psychologically based and this one for sure delivered. I absolutely love the way the story unfolded for the reader as it did for the main character. It for sure went into a totally different direction than I originally imagined when I started it. I highly recommend for those who enjoy time based and psychological mysteries!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 - 4.5/5

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